Vulnnr — Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter
Create a target list or select one target, scans then exploits, done!
Vulnnr is a Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter You can use this tool to check the security by finding the vulnerability in your website or you can use this tool to Get Shells
LFI Scanners > Coming soon
XSS Scanners > Working
SQLI injection scanners > Working
Domain Scanner > Using hackerone API/finds subdoamins
CMS detector > Working
Server detector > Working
Common vulnerable files Scanner > Working
Directory Spider/Scanner > Working
Dorker > Working/Uses Googles search engine/ auto exploits
Autodorker > Working takes a list full of dorks (Dont recommend using)
Vulnscan > Scans one target
Vulnauto > Scans a list of target’s
WordPress version detectors
WordPress theme detectors
WordPress user detectors
Over 50 upload wordpress plugin exploits
Over 40 LFI wordpress plugins exploits
Over 20 upload joomla exploits
Over 30 LFI joomla exploits
Complexx cms detection
Alot more o just have no time to write it all down
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Credits to Nano => Creator
Credits to VulnX Github Project, used CMS detector
Credits to hellsec => idk hes just cool boyo
also version of python is 3.8 if u get any error for bs4, or googlesearch run these commands
pip install bs4
pip install html5lib
pip install lxml
pip install google